Amelia Cordwell’s Research Page
Hello! I am a PhD student in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge, under the supervison of Roman R. Rafikov.
My research focuses on planet-disc interactions in protoplanetary discs using a mixture of simulations and analytic work.
Any queries related to my research work should be sent to ajc356 (at)
Research Overview
Evolution of surface density for a disc with a $M_p/M_{th} = 0.25$ planet, $h_p = 0.05$ and $\Sigma_0 = (R/R_p)^{-1.5}$.
The first paper of my PhD, Early stages of gap opening by planets in protoplanetary discs (Cordwell & Rafikov, 2024), is available as a preprint on ArXiv.
Available codes and data
Vortensity Driven Evolution of Protoplanetary Discs This is an implementation of the semi-analytical angular momentum deposition model from Cimerman and Rafikov (2021) and its related surface density reconstruction algorithm from Cimerman and Rafikov (2023). It models the initial evolution of a disc with an injected sub-thermal mass protoplanet. The vortensity solver can solve for surface densities with an arbitary perscribed vortensity in a barotropic disc. It also includes implementations of the surface density evolution solutions from Cordwell & Rafikov, 2024.