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Amelia Cordwell’s Research Page

Hello! I am a PhD student in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge, under the supervison of Roman Rafikov.

My research focuses on Planet Disc Interactions in Protoplanetary Discs with a focus on how that interaction causes gaps to form.

Any queries related to my research work should be sent to ajc356 (at)

Research Overview

Evolution of the perturbation of surface density

Evolution of surface density for a disc with a $M_p/M_{th} = 0.25$ planet, $h_p = 0.05$ and $\Sigma_0 = (R/R_p)^{-1.5}$.

Available codes and data

Vortensity Driven Evolution of Protoplanetary Discs This is an implementation of the semi-analytical angular momentum deposition model from Cimerman and Rafikov (2021) and its related surface density reconstruction algorithm from Cimerman and Rafikov (2023). It models the initial evolution of a disc with an injected sub-thermal mass protoplanet. The vortensity solver can solve for surface densities with an arbitary perscribed vortensity in a barotropic disc.

A linear surface density evolution model will be added to this repository in conjunction with an upcoming paper.

Previous publications (from undergraduate/honours projects)